Cooper Dogster ::Cooper Here's my new baby boy. Isn't he adorable. Now Miles has someone to be tormented by. Ain't Karma a bitch. (no puns were harmed in the writing of this blog entry)
Steady handed Stud Video Camera Stabilizer This is one for the po-folks like me who want to produce a non shakey home video. These devices can cost $800, and that's for the cheap 3rd party ones. You will need a video camera (idiot, heheheh)And NO, it is not for one handed use...perverts
The Eglu Omlet Eglu Not nearly as crappy as the movie. This is the Dogloo for chickens. They supply you with the most pimped out hen house ever, two hens (no morning wake-ups) and a good sized run. Fresh eggs for without the guilt or hormones. And if your chickens don't work, there's a 28-day money-back guarantee. I think badcat needs this one, and Pea Mouth Chub is not allowed to own/visit farm animals until after his 30th birthday due to an teenage incident in Davis, California's backcountry.
A Bacon Whore Finally, you can have tasty, sizzling bacon, without all the shopping, planning, and preparation. Just schedule your appointment at, and our trained experts will come and prepare bacon for you, exactly the way you like it. This chica is off of her goddamn rocker...and I'm getting strange tickly sensations in my nether regions. I just wish those two things had anything to do with each other... I'm gonna go take a shower. so while I'm gone let's all get schooled on how to rock a f&*kin' blog.