Thursday, September 08, 2005

Nanu Nano?

iPod nano Posted by Picasa
iPod nano
Yes, more iPod stuff from Apple. I haven't even finished touching myself over the shuffle and apple gets all nano on me. 2(500 songs) and 4(1000 songs)GB sizes of flash drivey goodness in an "impossibly small design". For the techtarded out there, this means it has no moving parts and you would have to break it to skip it. The nano part comes in the dimensions: 3.5x1.6x0.27 inches and only 1.5 ounces. All that and it has a color screen and the now famous apple click wheel. There's even a black one, for those that can't go back. Hold on, I'm getting my sock...

thinner... (semi obscure King reference) Posted by Picasa


kleverasever said...

Can Apple please take a break?! I'm too poor for all this swell product!

Lacubrious said...

I'm feelin' you, yo...