Saturday, February 09, 2008

Run to this

Podrunner: Intervals
DJ Steve Boynett (I'm not jacking any names this time) is at it again with Podrunner:Intervals.
Varied-BPM workout music mixes for runners,
joggers, and power walkers at all levels.

DJ Steve Boyett - PODRUNNER: INTERVALS -- Workout music for tempo-based exercise - PODRUNNER: INTERVALS -- Workout music for tempo-based exercise

I've wanted him to put something out like this for some time. I'm a huge fan of the Podrunner podcast. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll get a chance in the next week when I'm running on the beach in Hawaii and all of you are working. Oh, Naps! Update to follow...


Anonymous said...

Only gays run on the beach in Hawaii.

Lacubrious said...

the peamouth stays chubby with a coat made of homophobia with a quilted lining of unrequited man-love.