Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What's that Song?

-Here's the Drill
-Hear a song you dig.
-Call (866) 411-SONG.
-Wait for the beep and hold your cell near the speaker for just 15 seconds.
-They identify the song and text you with all the song info (artist and song name).
Pretty easy, right?


B said...

You know that one song by that one guy.... It goes "Da na na na na na, nana na YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

Lacubrious said...

Actually it was a by a chic. I think her name was.... hmmmm.... oh yeah, YER MOM!!! heheheh

kleverasever said...

A steal at $.99 for five I.D.s... Maybe you shold just call your mom and ask her instead!

Lacubrious said...

you're right, that's gay. that's what I get for blogging at 6 in the morn.