Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My first pod cast!!!

Here's the instructions. get a tape recoder and read this entry into it. then record it onto your computer in mp3/aac, and den find it in iTunes (cause the apple-Man says their the coolest) here goes:
Bien venidos! to the first lacubrioustempo pod cast in history, everyone here listening to this is just realizing how wierd their voice sounds recorded. and just in case you were wondering you really do sound like that nasaly freak you hear in your very white ear buds. I have to work today and that sucks harder than a drunk attention craving sorrority girl at a frat house. and no, they won't respect you in the morning, or later that night for that matter. And how did i miss the memo: All frat freaks in chico, can all of you start dressing like kanye west. This outfit includes(but is not limited to) one "light red" polo shirt with the collar turned up. If you can manage to fit one size smaller it will make your chico girlfriend's innertube look alittle smaller. (end of memo)

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